The WP Paradigm

This will be an on going diary of my evolving and hopefully improving grasp of the world of WordPress. So, I’ve been at this for a few hours each day for the last three days. I’ve been going through the Introduction to WordPress at Yoast Academy and here are my thoughts so far:

  • The WordPress platform is robust and complex which means that choosing your entry point is very important.
  • I’m currently struggling with how to edit certain elements on the pages. For example I do not like the large font for the titles in this theme (twenty twenty-one). I have to think there is a very straight forward way to change them, but so far I’ve not figured out how. Is this an issue with the theme I’ve chosen or an issue with WP?
  • Speaking of themes, good grief, choice overload! An important skill will be the ability to find the theme for a project. The options are quite overwhelming.
  • You definitely have to have a site that you can practice on and, you need a defined project. You need some idea of a website that you’d like to build and the content you will be placing on it. There is a little bit of a chicken-or-the-egg issue here. You need to plan your project but that the same time without some knowledge of WP fundaments, planning is pretty much a waste of time.

Okay, I now have two posts. Time to get back to my timeline plugin and see what it looks like.


